Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluation (9a) Competency- X0180

This competency can be challenged after completing 4 Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluations with the associated 9a form.

The competency consists of the independent completion of a comprehensive periodontal evaluation (probing depths, FGM, width of keratinized tissue, mobility, and furcations) procedure, 9a form, including diagnosis and treatment planning. The patient must manifest radiographic evidence of bone loss in a minimum of two quadrants with associated probing depths of at least 5mm. There must be at least 18 erupted teeth. The patient cannot have had a comprehensive periodontal examination in the past three years. Current full mouth radiographs must be available (within the past 12-18 months).

You must challenge this procedure with a full or part-time periodontist and inform them that you are challenging this competency prior to the appointment beginning. The X-code can be planned chair-side.

Grading will be completed in axiUm. For grading criteria, click on the link below:

Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluation Competency Form